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Microsoft Planner lets you easily bring together teams, tasks, documents, and conversations for better results. In this article This connector is available in the following products and regions: If you want to compile planner from the sources, please the Compiling Planner for details and instructions on how to compile. Francisco Moraes Last modified: Mon Feb 13 20:22:00 Eastern Daylight Time 2005 陈韦緈 Wei Seng - Wealth Planner. 207 likes. 大家好, 我是Wei Seng,是一名财务规划员。 我的专业在于帮助大家解决有关保险的问题以及财务管理。 想要获得更多资讯?记得Like我的Page ! 近日,VMware 官方发布安全公告,披露了CVE-2021-21978 VMware View Planner 远程代码执行漏洞。目前,漏洞利用代码在互联网上公开,攻击者构造恶意请求,可上传恶意文件,执行任意代码。建议 相关用户尽快采取安全措施阻止漏洞攻击。
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