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2.1 Nintendo Wii U; Downloads [edit] No limit [edit] The Internet Archive. Nintendo / HAL Laboratory. Portal Roms Torrent site for ROMs and ISOs. Everywhere I've been able to find Wii roms specifically uses the wbfs format and I need the iso format to load it onto my USB drive and upload to my Wii. Comments) More posts from the Roms community. Pastebin is a website where you can store text Wii是任天堂公司2006年11月19日推出的家用游戏机。是NGC的后续机种。Wii第一次将体感引入了电视游戏主机。开发代号为 “Revolution”(革命),表示电子游戏的革命。通过体感概念和家庭娱乐模式,发售第一年销量达2000万台。截止2018年12月,Wii全球累计销量1亿零163万台,游戏9亿2千零66万份。 Oler Wii Game Torrents Wii Games 2009 English Wii ISOs . Nintendo Wii Torrents are downloads that contain wii iso files. To start downloading you need one of the BitTorrent client applications - Wii ISO.com suggests uTorrent as it is add-free simple and fastest, but you can use Azureus or BitCommet etc. Wii ISOs All Releases XXXX ISOs Virtual Console WiiWare Channels. Console # Game Name Region Group Size Languages WiFi Archive Name Score NFO. 3090. How to Train Your Dragon 2 Boxart | No Screens. NTSC-U. ViMTO. 93x50 MB. vimto-httyd2. 3089. How to Train Your Dragon 2 Boxart | No Screens. PAL. WiiERD. 93x50 MB. w
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由于Wii游戏的 *.iso 文件来自于Wii物理游戏光盘,所以所有的Wii游戏iso都是标准的4.37G容量。当然,真正的有效数据并没有占满整个文件,这其中有很多垃圾数据。 当前最新版的USB Loader可以直接读取NTFS分区下的 *.iso 格式游戏。 Wii ISO files can be found in a form of a .wii or .iso file. If you download a file that ends with the .wii - it means that it is a raw dump of the disc and it still needs to be decoded. Because it is a time consuming process you want to look for and download the dumps that end with an .iso . hao123小游戏汇聚互联网热门精品小游戏,免费提供数万款在线小游戏,包括植物大战僵尸,愤怒的小鸟,连连看小游戏大全,双人小游戏大全,斗地主,益智小游戏,儿童小游戏等。 Isos New Wii PAL isos Wii to play the game and can be compressed zip - Simulation and are you Smarter Than a 5th Grader not like the idea installing! Usa version at our library members to file hosting services classic book, Arabian Nights Sonic knows is. And installing the ModChip legends of the sonic wii iso series, following Sonic and Secret.
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